Monday, March 10, 2014

Two Years

   The stage lights glared in her face. Jordynn could hear the low mumbling of a crowded auditorium. Of course it was packed; it was graduation day. She breathed in slowly. It was one five minute speech. It wasn't anything she hadn't done before. This was easy compared to the rest of her senior year. The ceremony seemed to pass in slow motion. The only think she could think about was if he was there. He had said he'd be back by graduation, but that didn't mean that he was. After the ceremony she did all the traditions. Taking pictures with friends and family, tons and tons of pictures. But the moment she had a chance to escape she did. Pulling the heels off her feet she made her way up to the football field. The metal bleachers sat empty before her.
   She choose a seat in the center of the stadium and just sat there, thinking. For four years this had been her life. Now this part of here life was at an end, and she had another life to live in three months. It was a surreal feeling. It felt almost as a dream would. Jordynn wasn't sure she had been sitting there when she heard the approaching footsteps echo off the bleachers. Her head snapped up, her breath caught in her throat as she saw her best friend for the first time in two years. He looked so different, so grown up. His hair was shorter, and he seemed taller. But he was still Josh. She stood up and made her way into his outstretched arms. Her graduation cap tumbled from her head but she paid no attention to it. They seemed to stand there, just holding each other for what felt like forever. He pulled back and stared at her. Pushing a strand of black hair from her flushed cheek he whispered, "Hi." Hi. It was such a simple thing to say after two years of not saying anything.
  Jordynn grinned, "Hi." They seemed to stare at each other for what felt like hours but was probably only minutes. He leaned down towards her, she held her breath, though she wasn't sure why. His lips were a hair away from hers when he paused. "May I?"
   "Yeah," she breathed. He smiled slightly before leaning down to kiss her. She couldn't believe it. Two years he had been gone, sometimes it felt like he might never come back. She pulled back and just smiled at him. It seemed to be the only thing she could do. Smile.
   Again he pushed a strand of hair from her cheek. "We go to college in three months. I know three months together isn't enough to make up for two years apart, but it'd be worth a shot. To see what happens, I mean. Do you...I mean...would you.." his voice faltered.
  She slipped her hand in his as they began to walk away from the football field, "I know what you mean."
  "Good," he whispered and then pressed a kiss to her forehead.

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